Divorce Counseling

Divorce is a critical life experience involving change and crisis, but also opportunity. Healthy communication and insight is the key to new and better relationships and resolving grief and loss. If you are considering divorce, talking with a therapist is a vital tool to gain understanding, make informed choices, and to avoid similar pitfalls in the future.

If divorce is the best option for you, you will need support through the ups and downs involved in the divorce process.

I have over twenty five years’ experience writing custody reports for divorcing families and counseling individuals and couples- whether they are divorcing or staying together to try to work things out.

  • Feeling overwhelmed? We'll help you gather your thoughts, create a plan, and put your best foot forward.

  • What will my life be like should I divorce? We'll help you with the transitions and adjustments.

  • What do I do if things seem impossible? We'll show you how to deal with impossible situations to minimize conflict

  • How do I talk to friends, children, and family members about my divorce? We'll help you determine what to say and decide if it's in your best interest.

  • What can I expect from the process as a divorcing Woman or Man? We'll share our expertise in these and other difficult situations.

  • What about future concerns; Stepparenting, custody, finances? We'll help you manage and get ready for your future.