Couples Communication

I have been trained by the leaders in couples therapy, Harville Hendrix and Dan Brown. I have vast experience in listening to both Couples problems and strengths. You are already the expert on what is not working in your relationship. Perhaps the problems have become predictable and seemingly inevitable. Couples start with these differences that create conflict and distance in the relationship. Each of you might like the other "fixed." You both agree that your relationship needs changing. Perhaps one of you agrees to the changes more than the other agrees. We can help you find a healthy direction together while respecting your individual differences.

Couples' counseling is about "our problem." The problem lies in the internal and external issues unique to both of you. Couples' work is about courage, awareness, teamwork and, most importantly- skills. The courage to follow through, the awareness to identify patterns, and the ability to connect through healthy communication- speaking and listening, with the combined purpose and goal of coming together as a team. These skills are often taken for granted  until something goes wrong. The cliché "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" applies here. We will work with you to remedy learned habits that create distance between the two of you, and help you to learn Gold standard skills, based on the patterns of communication between you now that lead to episodes of anger and withdrawal and prevent togetherness.

If you would like to discuss the options of whether change is right for you, or just learn more about the experience of practicing new skills in a safe, therapeutic environment that can lead to changes in your relationship, please call or email us to arrange an initial consult to see if we are right for you.